Silvia Farcito

Silvia Farcito

PhD, Scientific Assistant

Virtual Population Models


Silvia was born in Ivrea, Italy, in July 1983.


She received her degree in Biology from the University of Torino, Italy, in 2007.

In 2008, Silvia started work towards her PhD in Neuroscience, which she completed in March 2012. During her PhD studies, she worked both at the University of Torino and Zurich, investigating the role of neurotrophic factors during neuronal development.

Silvia joined the IT’IS Foundation in May 2012 and is currently working on the Virtual Population, IT'IS portfolio of high-resolution anatomical models for computational life science.   




Peer-reviewed articles

Goren, T., Reboux, S., Farcito, S., Lloyd, B. & Kuster, N. Influence of patient head definition on induced E‐fields during MR examination. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 91(2):735-740, 2024, doi:10.1002/mrm.29894
Gosselin, M.C., Neufeld, E., Moser, H., Huber, E., Farcito, S., Gerber, L., Jedensjoe, M., Hilber, I., Di Gennaro, F., Lloyd, B., Cherubini, E., Szczerba, D., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. Development of a New Generation of High-Resolution Anatomical Models for Medical Device Evaluation: The Virtual Population 3.0. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 59(18):5287-5303, 2014


Conference proceedings

Lloyd, B., Farcito, S., Cassarà, A.M., Zhuang, K., Neufeld, E. & Kuster, N. SPARC: Development of human and rodent neuro‐functionalized computational anatomical models with detailed mapping of peripheral nervous system. In The FASEB Journal, Proceedings of the Experimental Biology 2020 Meeting (EB2020), San Diego CA, USA, April 4–7, 2020, 34(S1):1-1, The FASEB Journal, doi:10.1096/fasebj.2020.34.s1.07492
Lloyd, B., Cassarà, A.M., Farcito, S., Neufeld, E., Chung, B.S., Park, J.S., Chung, M.S. & Kuster, N. NEUROMAN: Reference Computational Human Phantoms for Evaluation of Safety Thresholds for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 26
Farcito, S., Lloyd, B., Neufeld, E. & Kuster, N. Quality Assurance and Validation of Human Anatomical Models: Anatomy, Tissue Parameters and Model Processing. In Proceedings of the ASME Verification and Validation Symposium 2017, Las Vegas, USA, May 3 - 5, 2017
Murbach, M., Lloyd, B., Farcito, S., Schroeter, A., Samaras, T. & Kuster, N. Organ-Specific Electrothermal Dosimetry in Various Numerical Mouse-Models Exposed to 1.97 GHz Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5- 9, 2017
Lloyd, B., Cherubini, E., Farcito, S., Neufeld, E., Baumgartner, C. & Kuster, N. Covering Population Variability: Morphing of Computation Anatomical Models. In [1] Tsaftaris S., Gooya A., Frangi A., Prince J. (eds) Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging. SASHIMI 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9968. Springer, Cham
Gosselin, M.C., Christ, A., Farcito, S., Neufeld, E., Samaras, T. & Kuster, N. Validation of Human Models: Anatomy, Tissue Parameters and Tissue Models. In Proceedings of the the ASME 2014 Verification and Validation Symposium, Las Vegas, USA, May 7-9, 2014
Gosselin, M.C., Neufeld, E., Moser, H., Huber, E., Farcito, S., Gerber, L., Jedensjoe, M., Hilber, I., Di Gennaro, F., Lloyd, B., Cherubini, E., Szczerba, D., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. Development of a New Generation of High-Resolution Anatomical Models for Medical Device Evaluation: The Virtual Population 3.0. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, June 08-13, 2014, pages 374-377
Gerber, L., Huber, E., Moser, H., Di Gennaro, F., Farcito, S., Hilber, I., Neufeld, E., Gosselin, M.C. & Kuster, N. The Making of the Virtual Population 3.0: Image Segmentation and Surface Reconstruction. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Phantoms for Radiation Protection, Imaging and Radiotherapy, Zurich, Switzerland, May 20-22, 2013, pages 82
Gosselin, M.C., Neufeld, E., Moser, H., Di Gennaro, F., Huber, E., Farcito, S., Hilber, I., Gerber, L., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. Development of the Next Generation of High-Resolution Anatomical Models: The Virtual Population 3.0. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Phantoms for Radiation Protection, Imaging and Radiotherapy, Zurich, Switzerland, May 20-22, 2013, pages 10-11

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