Bryn Lloyd

Bryn Lloyd

Bryn Lloyd

PhD, Project Leader

Virtual Population


Bryn is the project leader in computational phantoms and heads the Virtual Population team. He has experience in unstructured mesh generation, finite element modeling, medical image analysis, and computer graphics. He has been leading the development of morphing and registration of anatomical phantoms, and the creation of the NEUROMAN models at IT'IS. Recently, his focus has been on personalized modeling for brain stimulation, EEG, etc., where he has established a state-of-the-art machine learning solution to segment patient MRI to obtain detailed personalized head models.

Bryn has more than 15 years of experience as a scientific software engineer and has been a core developer of ZMT's Sim4Life simulation platform since its inception. He is the lead architect of Sim4Life's analysis framework and has been the tech lead for 3D modeling (CAD/mesh/image processing). He has contributed to many other parts of Sim4Life, including the thermal and acoustic solvers, mesh generation, 3D visualization, and UI components.



Peer-reviewed articles

Goren, T., Reboux, S., Farcito, S., Lloyd, B. & Kuster, N. Influence of patient head definition on induced E‐fields during MR examination. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 91(2):735-740, 2024, doi:10.1002/mrm.29894
Rowald, A., Komi, S., Demesmaeker, R., Baaklini, E., Hernandez-Charpak, S.D., Paoles, E., Montanaro, H., Cassarà, A.M., Becce, F., Lloyd, B., Newton, T., Ravier, J., Kinany, N., D´Ercole, M., Paley, A., Hankov, N., Varescon, C., McCracken, L., Vat, M., Caban, M., Watrin, A., Jacquet, C., Bole-Feysot, L., Harte, C., Lorach, H., Galvez, A., Tschopp, M., Herrmann, N., Wacker, M., Geernaert, L., Fodor, I., Radevich, V., Keybus, K.V.D., Eberle, G., Pralong, E., Roulet, M., Ledoux, J.B., Fornari, E., Mandija, S., Mattera, L., Martuzzi, R., Nazarian, B., Benkler, S., Callegari, S., Greiner, N., Fuhrer, B., Froeling, M., Buse, N., Denison, T., Buschman, R., Wende, C., Ganty, D., Bakker, J., Delattre, V., Lambert, H., Minassian, K., van den Berg, C.A.T., Kavounoudias, A., Micera, S., Ville, D.V.D., Barraud, Q., Kurt, E., Kuster, N., Neufeld, E., Capogrosso, M., Asboth, L., Wagner, F.B., Bloch, J. & Courtine, G. Activity-dependent spinal cord neuromodulation rapidly restores trunk and leg motor functions after complete paralysis. Nature Medicine, 28:260-271, 2022, doi:10.1038/s41591-021-01663-5
McCullough, J.W.S., Richardson, R.A., Patronis, A., Halver, R., Marshall, R., Ruefenacht, M., Wylie, B.J.N., Odaker, T., Wiedemann, M., Lloyd, B., Neufeld, E., Sutmann, G., Skjellum, A., Kranzlmüller, D. & Coveney, P.V. Towards blood flow in the virtual human: Efficient self-coupling of HemeLB. Interface Focus, 11(1):20190119, 2021, doi:10.1098/rsfs.2019.0119
Kainz, W., Neufeld, E., Bolch, W.E., Graff, C.G., Kim, C.H., Kuster, N., Lloyd, B., Morrison, T., Segars, P., Yeom, Y.S., Zankl, M., Xu, X.G. & Tsui, B.M.W. Advances in computational human phantoms and their applications in biomedical engineering — A topical review. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 3(1):1-23, IEEE, 2019, doi:10.1109/TRPMS.2018.2883437
Yao, A., Zastrow, E., Cabot, E., Lloyd, B., Schneider, B., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. Anatomical model uncertainty for RF safety evaluation of metallic implants under MRI exposure. Bioelectromagnetics, 40(7):458-471, 2019, doi:10.1002/bem.22206
Neufeld, E., Lloyd, B., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. Functionalized anatomical models for computational life sciences. Frontiers in Physiology, 9:1594, 2018, doi:10.3389/fphys.2018.01594
Gosselin, M.C., Neufeld, E., Moser, H., Huber, E., Farcito, S., Gerber, L., Jedensjoe, M., Hilber, I., Di Gennaro, F., Lloyd, B., Cherubini, E., Szczerba, D., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. Development of a New Generation of High-Resolution Anatomical Models for Medical Device Evaluation: The Virtual Population 3.0. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 59(18):5287-5303, 2014
Cabot, E., Lloyd, T., Christ, A., Kainz, W., Douglas, M., Stenzel, G., Wedan, S. & Kuster, N. Evaluation of the RF Heating of a Generic Deep Brain Stimulator System Exposed in 1.5T Magnetic Resonance Scanners. Bioelectromagnetics, 34(2):104-113, 2013, doi:10.1002/bem.21745
Hirsch, S., Szczerba, D., Lloyd, B., Bajka, M., Kuster, N. & Szekely, G. Mechano-Chemical Simulation of a Solid Tumor Dynamics for Therapy Outcome Predictions. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 9(2):231-241, 2011, doi:10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.v9.i2.70
McGregor, R., Lloyd, B., Szczerba, D. & Szekely, G. Efficient Generation of Corresponding Meshes for Biomedical Flow Simulations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science - International Symposium on Biomedical Simulation - ISBMS 2010, 5958/2010:49-58, 2010, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-11615-5_6
Hirsch, S., Szczerba, D., Lloyd, B., Bajka, M., Kuster, N. & Szekely, G. A Mechano-Chemical Model of a Solid Tumor for Therapy Outcome Predictions. In Computational Science - ICCS 2009, 9th International Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 25-27, 2009, Proceedings, Part ILecture Notes in Computer Science: Computational Science - ICCS 2009, 5544/2009:715-724, Allen, G., Nabrzyski, J., Seidel, E., Albada, G.D.v., Dongarra, J. & Sloot, P.M.A.(eds), 2009, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01970-8_71
Szczerba, D., Lloyd, B., Bajka, M. & Szekely, G. A Multiphysics Model of Myoma Growth. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 7(1):17-27, BEGELL HOUSE INC, 2009, doi:10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.v7.i1.40
Lloyd, B., Szczerba, D., Rudin, M. & Szekely, G. A Computational Framework for Modelling Solid Tumour Growth. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 366(1879):3301-3318, 2008, doi:10.1098/rsta.2008.0092
Szczerba, D., Lloyd, B., Bajka, M. & Szekely, G. A Multiphysics Model of Myoma Growth. In Computational Science - ICCS 2008, PT 2, 5102:187-196, Bubak, M., VanAlbada, G.D., Dongarra, J. & Sloot, P.M.A.(eds), 2008, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-69387-1_21
Tuchschmid, S., Bajka, M., Szczerba, D., Lloyd, B., Szekely, G. & Harders, M. Modeling Intravasation of Liquid Distension Media in Surgical Simulators. Medical Image Analysis, 12(5):567-576, 2008, doi:10.1016/


Book chapters

Hirsch, S., Lloyd, B., Szczerba, D. & Szekely, G. A Multiscale Simulation Framework for Modeling Solid Tumor Growth with an Explicit Vessel Network. In Multiscale Cancer Modeling, pages 309-337, Deisboeck, T.S. & Stamatakos, G.S.(eds), CRC Press, 2011, doi:10.1201/b10407-15


Preprint articles

McCullough, J.W.S., Richardson, R.A., Patronis, A., Halver, R., Marshall, R., Ruefenacht, M., Wylie, B.J.N., Odaker, T., Wiedemann, M., Lloyd, B., Neufeld, E., Sutmann, G., Skjellum, A., Kranzlmüller, D. & Coveney, P.V. Towards blood flow in the virtual human: efficient self-coupling of HemeLB. arXiv, 11(1):20190119, 2020, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2010.04144


Conference proceedings

Cassarà, A.M., Polatoglu, M.N., Neufeld, E., Lloyd, B. & Kuster, N. SPARC: Advanced Image‐Based Modelling of Neurostimulation in Support of Pre‐Clinical Investigations and Prototyping of Medical Devices. In The FASEB Journal, Proceedings of the Experimental Biology 2020 Meeting (EB2020), San Diego CA, USA, April 4–7, 2020, 34(S1):1-1, The FASEB Journal, doi:10.1096/fasebj.2020.34.s1.06605
Lloyd, B., Farcito, S., Cassarà, A.M., Zhuang, K., Neufeld, E. & Kuster, N. SPARC: Development of human and rodent neuro‐functionalized computational anatomical models with detailed mapping of peripheral nervous system. In The FASEB Journal, Proceedings of the Experimental Biology 2020 Meeting (EB2020), San Diego CA, USA, April 4–7, 2020, 34(S1):1-1, The FASEB Journal, doi:10.1096/fasebj.2020.34.s1.07492
Neufeld, E., Chavannes, N., Zhuang, K., Cassarà, A.M., Lloyd, B., Crespo-Valero, P., Guidon, M., Maiz, O., Anderegg, S., Pascual, I., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. SPARC's Open Online Simulation Platform for Computational Modeling of the ANS's Physiological Role and its Modulation by Electroceutical Devices: o2S2PARC. In The FASEB Journal, Proceedings of the Experimental Biology 2020 Meeting (EB2020), San Diego CA, USA, April 4–7, 2020, 34(S1):1-1, doi:10.1096/fasebj.2020.34.s1.07491
Lloyd, B., Cassarà, A.M., Farcito, S., Neufeld, E., Chung, B.S., Park, J.S., Chung, M.S. & Kuster, N. NEUROMAN: Reference Computational Human Phantoms for Evaluation of Safety Thresholds for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 26
Alaia, A., Lloyd, B. & Kuster, N. Mapping computational phantoms to subject specific body shapes. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5- 9, 2017
Alaia, A., Lloyd, B. & Kuster, N. Personalization of Human Computational Anatomical Models. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Union of Radio Science General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), Montreal, Canada, August 16 - 26, 2017
Farcito, S., Lloyd, B., Neufeld, E. & Kuster, N. Quality Assurance and Validation of Human Anatomical Models: Anatomy, Tissue Parameters and Model Processing. In Proceedings of the ASME Verification and Validation Symposium 2017, Las Vegas, USA, May 3 - 5, 2017
Lloyd, B., Alaia, A. & Kuster, N. Non-rigid registration of computational phantoms for personalization and population coverage. In Proceedings of the 2017 BMES/FDA Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference, College Park MD, USA, May 16-18, 2017
Lloyd, B., Alaia, A., Liorni, I. & Kuster, N. Model Registration: A Tool for Studying Anatomical Variability and Personalizing Phantoms. In Proceedings at the 6th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, CP-2017, Annapolis MD USA, August 27-30, 2017
Murbach, M., Alaia, A., Lloyd, B., Neufeld, E., Kainz, W., Robb, F. & Kuster, N. Towards Personalized MRI Safety Assessment via 3D Registration of Anatomical Human Models. In Proceedings at the 6th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, CP-2017, Annapolis MD USA, August 27-30, 2017
Murbach, M., Lloyd, B., Alaia, A., Neufeld, E., Kainz, W., Robb, F. & Kuster, N. Posing, Morphing and Image Registration of Anatomical Models for MRI RF Safety Assessments. In Proceedings of the 2017 BMES/FDA Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference, College Park MD, USA, May 16-18, 2017
Murbach, M., Lloyd, B., Farcito, S., Schroeter, A., Samaras, T. & Kuster, N. Organ-Specific Electrothermal Dosimetry in Various Numerical Mouse-Models Exposed to 1.97 GHz Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5- 9, 2017
Murbach, M., Lloyd, B., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. Morphing and Posing of Computational Anatomical Models: Enhanced Patient-Specific MRI RF Exposure Prediction. In Proceedings of the 25th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, USA, April 22-27, 2017
Murbach, M., Lloyd, B., Neufeld, E. & Kuster, N. Numerical MRI Radiofrequency Exposure Estimation in Morphed Patient Anatomies. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5- 9, 2017
Lloyd, B., Cherubini, E., Chavannes, N. & Kuster, N. Realistic Physics-Based Posing of Anatomical Models for Safety Evaluations and Computational Life Science in Various Configurations. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent, Belgium, June 5-10, 2016
Lloyd, B., Cherubini, E., Farcito, S., Neufeld, E., Baumgartner, C. & Kuster, N. Covering Population Variability: Morphing of Computation Anatomical Models. In [1] Tsaftaris S., Gooya A., Frangi A., Prince J. (eds) Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging. SASHIMI 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9968. Springer, Cham
Lloyd, B., Neufeld, E. & Kuster, N. Filling the Gaps: New Anatomical Models based on Morphing and Non-Rigid Registration. In Proceedings of the Virtual Physiological Human Conference (VPH), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 26-28, 2016
Murbach, M., Neufeld, E., Lloyd, B. & Kuster, N. Numerical Per-Patient MRI RF Exposure Estimation via Morphing. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent, Belgium, June 5-10, 2016
Murbach, M., Neufeld, E., Lloyd, B. & Kuster, N. Personalized MRI RF Exposure Assessment and Optimization. In Proceedings of the 2016 BMES/FDA Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference, Washington, USA, May 23-25, 2016
Neufeld, E., Lloyd, B. & Kuster, N. From Image-Based Modeling to the Modeling of Imaging with the Virtual Population. In Tsaftaris S., Gooya A., Frangi A., Prince J. (eds) Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging. SASHIMI 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9968. Springer, Cham
Yao, A., Zastrow, E., Cabot, E., Lloyd, B., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. Computable Anatomical Phantoms for MRI Safety Evaluation of Patients with Implants. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent, Belgium, June 5-10, 2016
Kyriakou, A., Neufeld, E., Lloyd, B. & Kuster, N. Automatized and Environment-Adaptive Optimization of Target Locations for Point-by-Point and Volumetric Ablation of Large Tumors. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 15-18, 2015, pages 257
Gosselin, M.C., Neufeld, E., Moser, H., Huber, E., Farcito, S., Gerber, L., Jedensjoe, M., Hilber, I., Di Gennaro, F., Lloyd, B., Cherubini, E., Szczerba, D., Kainz, W. & Kuster, N. Development of a New Generation of High-Resolution Anatomical Models for Medical Device Evaluation: The Virtual Population 3.0. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, June 08-13, 2014, pages 374-377
Kyriakou, A., Neufeld, E., Preiswerk, F., Lloyd, B., Cattin, P., Szekely, G. & Kuster, N. HIFU Hepatic Tumor Ablation: Modeling of Focusing and Motion Tracking Approaches. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Thermal Medicine (STM), Minneapolis, USA, May 6-10, 2014
Kyriakou, A., Neufeld, E., Preiswerk, F., Lloyd, B., Cattin, P., Szekely, G. & Kuster, N. Modeling of Motion Tracking and Focusing Strategies in HIFU Ablation of Hepatic Tumors. In Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU 2014), Las Vegas, USA, April 2-5, 2014
Lloyd, B., Wolf, J., Neufeld, E. & Kuster, N. Techniques for Generating Surface Models from Segmented Labelfields. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Phantoms for Radiation Protection, Imaging and Radiotherapy, Zurich, Switzerland, May 20-22, 2013, pages 26-27
Cabot, E., Lloyd, T., Christ, A., Kainz, W., Douglas, M., Stenzel, G., Wedan, S. & Kuster, N. MRI Safety Assessment of a Generic Deep Brain Stimulator. In Proceedings of the General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science, Istanbul, Turkey, August 13-20, 2011
Cabot, E., Lloyd, T., Christ, A., Stenzel, G., Kainz, W., Wedan, S. & Kuster, N. RF Safety Assessment of a Generic Deep Brain Stimulator During 1.5T MRI Exposure. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, May 7-13, 2011

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