Manuel Guidon


Guidon, Manuel

PhD, Senior Software Engineer

Manuel Guidon was born in 1979 in Chur, Switzerland.

His interest in Quantum Physics led him to pursue a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Zurich, completed in 2010.


Manuel joined SPEAG's SEMCAD X team in 2011 as a Senior Software Engineer, focusing on integrating MRI/MED algorithms and related applications in SEMCAD X.

Beginning in 2012, Manuel worked for ZMT, where his focus was on numerical simulations, networking, and high performance computing (HPC) methods within the Sim4Life project. He was also responsible for some of the robot control software used for measurements.

In October 2017, Manuel transferred to IT'IS, where he works as a fullstack developer for Project o2S2PARC - Open Online Simulations for Stimulating Peripheral Activity for Relieve Conditions.

+41 44 245 96 96