

IXI379: one of 4 detailed head models included in the IXI Heads


IXI Head Models: 
High-Resolution Head & Neck Models

The IXI Head Models were segmented from the IXI dataset, a public multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) collection. The four models - two female (aged 29 and 66) and two male subjects (aged 34 and 67) - have been segmented into 60 tissue structures, including a detailed representation of eyes, and deep brain structures, as well as several distinct scalp layers, arteries and veins, and salivary glands.

The models were created to investigate uncertainties in brain stimulation simulations, due to material property assignment and design choices such as modeling the cerebrospinal fluid as a closed layer or including the dura mater. Thanks to the publicly available diffusion tensor images for the selected subjects (025, 208, 317, 379), simulation studies can study the impact of inhomogeneous anisotropic conductivity distributions in the brain.


Version History

Version Specifications Download
IXI Heads V1.0 This version includes a total of 60 structures (for each subject). The download includes all four models (IXI025, IXI208, IXI317, IXI379). DOI: 10.13099/IXI-HEADS-V1.0


Requests & Inquiries

The head models can be licensed for use in Sim4Life. For questions about the models, please contact the Virtual Population Group.



The head models were segmented from the IXI dataset, a collection of multi-modal head MRI.