
THN Profile2

Taylor Newton

PhD, Project Leader 

Computational Brain Stimulation


 Google Scholar



Taylor Newton was born in Connecticut, USA.

Taylor received his doctorate in simulation neuroscience from EPFL in 2019, where he studied the cellular origins of mesoscale voltage-sensitive dye signals in an in silico model of rodent neocortical microcircuitry. He joined the IT'IS Foundation in August 2020. At IT'IS, he leads various projects related to computational modeling of brain stimulation and physical neuromodulation.  In addition, he has interests in statistics, complexity theory, and evolutionary biology.



Peer-reviewed articles

Fasse, A., Newton, T., Liang, L., Agbor, U., Rowland, C., Kuster, N., Gaunt, R., Pirondini, E. & Neufeld, E. A novel CNN-based image segmentation pipeline for individualized feline spinal cord stimulation modeling. Journal of Neural Engineering, 21(3):036032, 2024, doi:10.1088/1741-2552/ad4e6b
Rowald, A., Komi, S., Demesmaeker, R., Baaklini, E., Hernandez-Charpak, S.D., Paoles, E., Montanaro, H., Cassarà, A.M., Becce, F., Lloyd, B., Newton, T., Ravier, J., Kinany, N., D´Ercole, M., Paley, A., Hankov, N., Varescon, C., McCracken, L., Vat, M., Caban, M., Watrin, A., Jacquet, C., Bole-Feysot, L., Harte, C., Lorach, H., Galvez, A., Tschopp, M., Herrmann, N., Wacker, M., Geernaert, L., Fodor, I., Radevich, V., Keybus, K.V.D., Eberle, G., Pralong, E., Roulet, M., Ledoux, J.B., Fornari, E., Mandija, S., Mattera, L., Martuzzi, R., Nazarian, B., Benkler, S., Callegari, S., Greiner, N., Fuhrer, B., Froeling, M., Buse, N., Denison, T., Buschman, R., Wende, C., Ganty, D., Bakker, J., Delattre, V., Lambert, H., Minassian, K., van den Berg, C.A.T., Kavounoudias, A., Micera, S., Ville, D.V.D., Barraud, Q., Kurt, E., Kuster, N., Neufeld, E., Capogrosso, M., Asboth, L., Wagner, F.B., Bloch, J. & Courtine, G. Activity-dependent spinal cord neuromodulation rapidly restores trunk and leg motor functions after complete paralysis. Nature Medicine, 28:260-271, 2022, doi:10.1038/s41591-021-01663-5
Newton, T.H., Reimann, M.W., Abdellah, M., Chevtchenko, G., Muller, E.B. & Markram, H. In silico voltage-sensitive dye imaging reveals the emergent dynamics of cortical populations. Nature Communications, 12(1), 2021, doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23901-7
Casalegno, F., Newton, T., Daher, R., Abdelaziz, M., Lodi-Rizzini, A., Schürmann, F., Krejci, I. & Markram, H. Caries detection with near-infrared transillumination using deep learning. Journal of Dental Research, 98(11):1227-1233, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA, 2019, doi:10.1177/0022034519871884
Jang, B., Gutman, E., Stucki, N., Seitz, B.F., Wendel-García, P.D., Newton, T., Pokki, J., Ergeneman, O., Pané, S., Or, Y. & Nelson, B.J. Undulatory locomotion of magnetic multilink nanoswimmers. Nano letters, 15(7):4829-4833, American Chemical Society, 2015, doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000102247
Markram, H., Muller, E., Ramaswamy, S., Reimann, M.W., Abdellah, M., Sanchez, C. .A., Ailamaki, A., Alonso-Nanclares, L., Antille, N., Arsever, S., Kahou, G.A. .A., Berger, T.K., Bilgili, A., Buncic, N., Chalimourda, A., Chindemi, G., Courcol, J.D., Delalondre, F., Delattre, V., Druckmann, S., Dumusc, R., Dynes, J., Eilemann, S., Gal, E., Gevaert, M.E., Ghobril, J.P., Gidon, A., Graham, J.W., Gupta, A., Haenel, V., Hay, E., Heinis, T., Hernando, J.B., Hines, M., Kanari, L., Keller, D., Kenyon, J., Khazen, G., Kim, Y., King, J.G., Kisvarday, Z., Kumbhar, P., Lasserre, S., Le Bé, J.V., Magalh\~aes, B.R.C., Merchán-Pérez, A., Meystre, J., Morrice, B.R., Muller, J., Mu\~noz-Céspedes, A., Muralidhar, S., Muthurasa, K., Nachbaur, D., Newton, T.H., Nolte, M., Ovcharenko, A., Palacios, J., Pastor, L., Perin, R., Ranjan, R., Riachi, I., Rodríguez, J.R., Riquelme, J.L., Rössert, C., Sfyrakis, K., Shi, Y., Shillcock, J.C., Silberberg, G., Silva, R., Tauheed, F., Telefont, M., Toledo-Rodriguez, M., Tränkler, T., Van Geit, W., Díaz, J.V., Walker, R., Wang, Y., Zaninetta, S.M., DeFelipe, J., Hill, S.L., Segev, I. & Schürmann, F. Reconstruction and simulation of neocortical microcircuitry. Cell, 163(2):456-492, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.029
Damian, D.D., Newton, T.H., Pfeifer, R. & Okamura, A.M. Artificial tactile sensing of position and slip speed by exploiting geometrical features. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(1):263-274, IEEE, 2014, doi:10.1109/TMECH.2014.2321680
Newton, T.H. & Spradlin, M. Quite a character: The spectrum of Yang—Mills on S3. Physics Letters B, 672(4-5):382-385, North-Holland, 2009, doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2009.01.044


Preprint articles

Phillips, A.A., Gandhi, A.P., Hankov, N., Hernandez-Charpak, S.D., Rimok, J., Incognito, A., Nijland, A.E.J., D’Ercole, M., Watrin, A., Berney, M., Damianaki, A., Dumont, G., Macellari, N., De Herde, L., Baaklini, E., Smith, D., Miller, R., Lee, J., Intering, N., Ledoux, J.B., Ordonnez, J.G., Newton, T., Meliadò, E.F., Duguet, L., Jacquet, C., Bole-Feysot, L., Rieger, M., Gelenitis, K., Dumeny, Y., Caban, M., Ganty, D., Paoles, E., Baumgartner, T., Team, .S., Team, ., Harte, C., Sasportes, C.D., Romo, P., Vouga, T., Fasola, J., Ravier, J., Gautier, M., Merlos, F., Buschman, R., Milekovic, T., Rowald, A., Mandija, S., Van Den Berg, C.A., Kuster, N., Neufeld, E., Pralong, E., Hirt, L., Carda, S., Becce, F., Aleton, E., Rogan, K., Schoettker, P., Wuerzner, G., Langerak, N., Keijsers, N.L., Kwon, B.K., Guest, J.D., Ross, E., Murphy, J., Kurt, E., Casha, S., Girgis, F., Van Nes, I., Larkin-Kaiser, K.A., Demesmaeker, R., Asboth, L., Squair, J.W., Bloch, J. & Courtine, G. The implantable system that restores hemodynamic stability after spinal cord injury. , medRxiv, 2024, doi:10.1101/2024.05.10.24306826
Cassarà, A.M., Newton, T.H., Zhuang, K., Regel, S.J., Achermann, P., Kuster, N. & Neufeld, E. Safety recommendations for temporal interference stimulation in the brain. bioRxiv, 2022, doi:10.1101/2022.12.15.520077
Rössert, C., Pozzorini, C., Chindemi, G., Davison, A.P., Eroe, C., King, J., Newton, T.H., Nolte, M., Ramaswamy, S., Reimann, M.W. & thers, . Automated point-neuron simplification of data-driven microcircuit models. arXiv, 2016, doi:10.48550/arXiv.1604.00087


Conference proceedings

Jantz, M.K., Liang, L., Damiani, A., Fisher, L.E., Newton, T., Neufeld, E., Hitchens, T.K., Pirondini, E., Capogrosso, M. & Gaunt, R.A. A computational study of lower urinary tract nerve recruitment with epidural stimulation of the lumbosacral spinal cord. In Proceedings of the 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), pages 744-747, IEEE, doi:10.1109/EMBC48229.2022.9871292



Newton, T.H. In silico voltage-sensitive dye imaging: A model-based approach for bridging scales of cortical activity. EPFL, EPFL, 2019