Setup: Selection of electrodes and placement.


Identification of optimal configuration: Visualization and report generation.


Exposure analysis: Interactive exploration and visualization in Sim4Life.web.


Visualization of advanced phase modulation schemes and pulse shapes of the complete electric field and its x-, y- and z-components in TIP.




TI Planning Tool V2.2


Key features of TIP V2.2

  • Scientific adherence: the new version adopts the industry-standard coordinate convention RAS (Right, Anterior, Superior) for image and exposure viewing, ensuring methodological alignment with established scientific practices
  • Expanded target selection: thanks to co-registered brain atlases, a large number of new target regions are supported
  • Furthermore, magnetic resonance images are accurately registered to the field distributions, improving visualization, facilitating interpretation, and enhancing methodological rigor

TIP V2.2: Enhanced Target Selection and Precision for TI


Key feature of TIP V2.0:

  • A comprehensive library of different, highly detailed anatomical head models, complete with precomputed field exposures, enabling inter-subject variability assessment
  • A mouse model to facilitate TI research involving rodents
  • Two new modes, i.e., multichannel TI and phase-modulation TI (with possibility to use custom phase-modulations)
  • An extended list of brain stimulation targets
  • Optimal utilization of cloud-computing and parallelization, delivering an interactive user experience for efficient exploration of large stimulation parameter spaces

TIP V2.0: Multi-channel and phase-modulation TI


Request & Inquiries

TIP V2.2 is discontinued and can be accessed only by existing users.

In case of interest in TIP, please consider TIP V3.0 or TIP.lite.

For further information, please send us an email or call +41 44 245 9898.

Make sure to also check out the latest version of the TI Brain Stimulator for Research (TIBS-R) from our Z43 partner TI Solutions AG


Reference for Citation

Please, cite the use of TIP in your publications, as follows: "IT'IS Foundation, (2024, January 11), Temporal Interference Planning Tool TIP V2.2. https://tip.itis.swiss"



By using the TI Planning Tool (TIP) (the "Software"), the End User agrees and acknowledges that the Software is a novel and experimental online tool developed for neuroscientists and brain stimulation experts to determine optimized electrode placement and stimulation conditions for targeting deep brain regions. The Software does not provide binding results and is not a substitute for the expert End User's own calculations of electrode placement and stimulation conditions for targeting deep brain regions. The Software is only intended to assist the expert End User in his/her own calculations. Therefore, the expert End User shall always ascertain the Software's results by doing his/her own calculations. DO NOT ACT SOLELY ON THE RESULTS OF THE SOFTWARE. The expert End User uses the Software and its results at his/her own risk. As a consequence, IT'IS Foundation does not give any representations and warranties for the Software and the liability of IT'IS Foundation in connection with the Software and its use and application is excluded to the full extent possible under the applicable law. IT'IS is not liable for any damages (including without limitation consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, special or punitive damages, damages for loss of profits, loss of use, business interruption, loss of information or data, or pecuniary loss) resulting from the use of or reliance on the Software. In particular, IT'IS Foundation is not responsible for (a) the correctness, completeness, integrity and accuracy of any data calculated by the Software, (b) any conclusions drawn by the End User or any third party from any simulation, calculation, modelling or other process or operation executed by the Software or by End User using the Software, (c) the technical, scientific, legal and commercial feasibility of any project, product and undertaking of the End User or any third party, and (d) the economic and financial viability of any project, product and undertaking of the End User or any third party.
By using the Software, the End User agrees to Swiss material law (excluding conflict of law rules) being applicable and the ordinary Swiss courts of Zurich, Canton of Zurich, having exclusive jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Software and its use.