Prof. Niels Kuster, Director of the IT'IS Foundation
It takes our uncompromised commitment and the support of organizations and individuals to stay at the forefront of our research. As an independent nonprofit tax-exempt research institution, IT’IS relies on the generosity of corporate, government, foundation, and individual donors to maintain the highest quality of research to fulfil its long-term vision and commitment to research in the fields of electromagnetics and personalized medicine. While all efforts to advance our understanding of biological processes at the interface of computation, biology, physics, and engineering are proceeding rapidly, we have more ideas and leads than resources to pursue them.
There are many opportunities to make valuable gifts to advance our mission of improving the quality of people’s lives and adding healthy life years. Contributions at any level can help make a difference and represent unique opportunities for you to become personally engaged in a project or research area that is meaningful to you. You can help us change the course of health care and scientific discovery for the future.
Support Individual Scientists
You can choose to support the efforts of a specific researcher or sponsor a doctoral or post-doctoral position.
Support Specific Projects
Contributions can be directed to support an existing research project or to initiate a new one.
Support a Specific Area of Research
Support the discovery and the pursuit of progress in specific areas of research explored by our IT’IS for Health research initiative, e.g., novel neurostimulation protocols, thermal therapies, in/on-body communication, etc.
Make a General Donation
With a non-directed donation, you can ensure that promising new ideas continue to be pursued as they emerge. You can also enable our foundation to provide a proactive, creative, and innovative research environment for the cultivation of sound science, advanced research, and good education. Funding via such unrestricted donations will be allocated on the basis of research priorities.
Create a Legacy Gift
You can also choose to perpetuate your support of biomedical research by including IT’IS in your will or estate plan.
Contact Us
If there are areas of particular interest to you, or if you need more information on options for giving to IT’IS, please contact Professor Niels Kuster at +41 44 245 9690 or Jacqueline Pieper at +41 44 245 9697.