EM Technology



Optimization and characterization of a transmiter operated behind the human ear

Optimization and characterization of a transmiter operated behind the human ear.





Overview - Electromagnetic (EM) Technology

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the frequency range below the infrared spectrum are ubiquitous in the environment. Anthropogenic EMFs from industrial and consumer sources, such as electronic devices and appliances, electric energy distribution systems, and wireless communication applications, may operate in the close vicinity of humans. In general, the field strength and the complexity of the interactions with other devices or the human body increase as the distance from the source decreases. IT’IS has acquired unique expertise in the numerical and experimental analyses of these fields and their coupling with technical devices and biological objects:

  • computational electromagnetics (CEM) from DC to optics
  • field sensors (diode loaded) optimized to determine the amplitude of the fields with maximized spatial resolution and sensitivity in various media, including tissue simulating materials. These sensors are optimized for evaluations of fields with known signal characteristics (e.g., compliance testing with safety limits).
  • field sensors (time domain) optimized to determine the fields in the time domain for characterization of fields with unknown field characteristics (e.g., analysis of electromagnetic interferences, complex communication signals, etc.)
  • dielectric spectroscopy to determine the dielectric properties of material samples and to develop media with specific characteristics (liquids, gel, solids).

With its leading expertise and knowledge in EM technology, IT'IS actively participates in standardization committees and provides consultancy to regulators, innovators and testing laboratories. By constantly honing our technical skills and enhancing our knowledge base, we are poised to keep up with the ever-increasing number of EMF-based applications, the growing complexity of novel technologies and potential interferences, and the pervasive exposure to EMF in our environment.