Katja Poković Research Fund
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Research Fellowships

The Katja Poković Research Fund

The 2025 call for Katja Poković Research Fellowship applications is now open.

The application deadline is April 30, 2025, 23:59h Swiss local time.

Research Fellowships

The Katja Poković Research Fellowship Award is intended specifically to support incoming female scientists who seek to pursue doctoral or post-doctoral studies at the IT'IS Foundation or would like to join the IT’IS Foundation as a visiting scientist in the research areas of electromagnetic energy and information technologies, near-field electromagnetic measurement technology, dosimetry, calibration methods for electromagnetic sensors, or bioelectromagnetics. Outstanding female researchers are highly encouraged to apply. Please note that the research fellowship award is competitive, and that maximally one awardee is honored each year. The amount granted to the awardee will correspond to an equivalent position at the ETH Zurich.

Applications and Contact

Applicants who apply for a Ph.D. position need to submit the following documents, in English, electronically (pdf file) to kpresearchfund@itis.swiss:

  • cover letter, including the applicant's motivation for seeking the award
  • curriculum vitae (2-page maximum) plus a list of publications (if applicable)
  • diplomas, and transcripts (with grades)
  • reference letters and/or work certificates

Please note that for the Ph.D. position, the M.Sc. degree must have been awarded no more than one year prior to the application. The fellowship must be commenced in the same year in which it is awarded.

Applicants who apply for a post-doctoral or visiting scientist position are requested to submit the following documents, in English, electronically (pdf file) to kpresearchfund@itis.swiss:

  • cover letter, including the applicant's motivation for seeking the award
  • research proposal (download guidance here)
  • curriculum vitae (2-page maximum) plus a list of publications
  • diplomas, and transcripts (with grades)
  • reference letters and/or work certificates

Please note that for the post-doctoral position, the Ph.D. degree must have been awarded no more than five years prior to the application. The fellowship must be commenced in the same year in which it is awarded.

Deadlines and Contact

The deadline for applications is annually on April 30, 23:59h Swiss local time. Submissions will be pre-evaluated by the Executive Team of the IT’IS Foundation (Director and Associate Directors), and suitable candidates will be invited for a formal interview. Finalist candidates must be approved by the IT'IS Foundation Board.

Applicants are requested to submit applications electronically as a pdf file to kpresearchfund@itis.swiss.

In case of questions, please contact Dr. Marisa Oliveira at kpresearchfund@itis.swiss.